
Posted in Teacher Bio

Nick Streeter, k-12 Physical education teacher

Hi, my name is Nick Streeter.

I am the physical education teacher at The Fresh Creek Elementary School. I am originally from upstate New York and moved to Queens over a year ago. I am an extremely active person that loves sports, hiking, rollerblading, and going to the gym. My favorite sport teams are the Dallas Cowboys, the New York Yankees and the Brooklyn Nets. I am also a huge movie person and enjoy watching all types of movies from different genres.

In regards to my teaching, I strive to teach students of all abilities essential body management skills, promote physical fitness as a healthy lifestyle, and create a safe environment that allows all students to experience healthy social interactions through learning the meaning of teamwork, cooperation, and sportsmanship.

Throughout the 2020-2021 school year students will be engaged in physical activities that will teach responsible personal and social behavior, build competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns, and gain the ability to recognize the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, and self-expression. Physical activities will also incorporate ELA and math grade level standards.

“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is practice.”Vladimir Horowitz

Follow Mr. Streeter on Twitter: @streeeterPE

Posted in Teacher Bio

Abbigail Laws, Special Education

Hi, my name is Abbigail Laws a proud graduate of Medgar Evers College with a teaching license focused in Early Childhood and Special Education. While completing first year here I taught second grade and this year I will be teaching first grade. My educational philosophy is simple. I believe anyone is capable of learning, but everyone has a different way of absorbing and synthesizing the information given to him or her in their educational journey. I am excited for the new school year. I can’t wait to see what the year has in store for us! During the academic school year, I plan on creating a safe learning environment for my students, and getting to know each and every one of my them and their families. I believe that it is important to have high expectations for my students, and collaborate with my colleagues, parents, and education professionals to ensure my students’ success.  

My favorite movie of all time is The Little Mermaid. I absolutely love nature and enjoy being able to take a stroll with my bicycle around Starrett City Park. I hope this quote by Maya Angelou will resonate with you “If you’re always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be.” I look forward to having the opportunity to collaborate and build community with you throughout the school year. 

Posted in FCS

In person instruction – Week of October 4-8, 2020

Group A meets on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Group B meets on Thursday and Friday.

Check your child’s schedule for alternating Mondays.

Group D – Fully remote scholars should check on the Google Classroom schedule and log on at the correct time.

Please check your @K325.org or send an email to Info@K325.org if you need to double check which group your child is in.

In-person learning starts at 8:30 a.m.

Please remember your uniforms!

We cannot wait to see you in-person or on Google Meet!